Investment + New Market
Arigatou! Thank you for spending a little more time to find out more about RENEST.
What is Business Holidays , business or holiday?
Both! Work and leisure can be achieved simultaneously and balanced in life. In the words of the famous writer Mark Twain: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Business Holidays are pre-planned missions for TRAVELERs, ENTREPRENEURs & EMPLOYERs. Missions are planned based on hobbies and business interests, We believe such activities kindle passion, hence providing a more invigorating, enriching and ultimately more enjoyable experience.
How do RENEST deliver the promises of business while on holiday?
Through RENEST Infrastructure™. Destinations are based on the HOME+OFFICE concept. One such example is providing “Common spaces”, an inspiring and unconventional environment for our guests to host meetings and discussions.
Through RENEST Locale™. Destinations are nested in scenic environment yet a stone's throw away from major cities with the essential commercial/industrial support. It is also within short driving distances from popular tourist locations for our guests (and their guests/business partners) to wind down and enjoy.
Through RENEST Incubator Services™. From aligning the programs’ activities with businesses’ interests and INVESTMENT + NEW MARKETS. RENEST provides a holistic support ecosystem for businesses to operate smoothly in our overseas destinations.
What are the added-values RENEST brings to the Travelers, Entrepreneurs & Employers?
For TRAVELERs, the programs are unique way of holidaying. Through our “missions”, TRAVELERs set goals and achieve them while in holiday. It has been proven therapeutic and enjoyable. The missions will challenge the TRAVELERs and take them along the routes less-travelled and to unique destinations. In so doing, one discovers, learns and achieves much more than just another holiday!
For ENTREPRENEUR , the program inspires the ENTREPRENEUR to take that all important first step into the venture. Overwhelmed by the new but foreign markets and yet excited about the opportunities the plans might bring upon? The ENTREPRENEUR can tap into RENEST Frontiers’ expertise and put the plan into action, akin to a trial/beta-test of the business concept or new career which had been long planned for.
For EMPLOYERS, RENEST understands the importance of profitability and sustainability. RENEST Frontiers aspires to find solution in cost-saving, non-committal and long-term leases on commercial and residential facilities and other fixed assets that are crucial for the EMPLOYERS’ operational needs. Please contact our Frontiers for more information.
What kind of expenses are included and how much should be budgeted for other expenses?
We would recommend meals commonly price at S$15-20. As for transportation, petrol, parking and toll, these should not cost you more than S$30 per day.
Can we just join RENEST for programs or missions but not the accommodations?
Unfortunately this will not be possible. The custom pre-planned programs leverage on RENEST’s infrastructure and network. These are stringently-selected list of facilities and local program hosts (partners) which RENEST constantly reviews their relevance, validity and quality in meeting our guests’ expectations.
Can i have a sample itinerary? And where are the less-traveled destinations?
Please contact us for more information.
ワークスペース:a Fresh Start(住所)神戸市灘区六甲山町南六甲1034-42
宿泊コテージ:a Holiday Home(住所)神戸市灘区六甲山町北六甲4512-249
かつての企業保養所をリノベーションし、今年7月にオープンしたばかりのワークスペース “a Fresh Start” と、六甲山の観光拠点としても人気の、木のぬくもりが感じられる宿泊専用コテージ ”a Holiday Home”の2施設を組み合わせて合宿利用ができる、今だけ期間限定の特別プランです。
・10人グループで3泊4日の合宿利用(コテージH4[最大定員12名]利用)の場合通常セット料金:グループ合計468,563円(税込。1人1泊あたり11,711円)が、 28,453円(税込。1人1泊あたり711円[94%OFF])に。
30 days - INVESTMENT
Open and honest discussions to merge expectations
We will lead to do projections and stimulations of business assignments.
We research and go on business visits
The journey will rekindle passion and drive towards a business transformation.
Incorporation and business commencement
Here we GO!!!!!!!!
10 days - CO-CREATION
Plenty of coffees and lunches together.
Workshops with subject experts, potential clients and strategic partners will be lined-up.
We meet you and your team
This will allow us to understand your challenges, talents and core-values.
10 days - UNDERSTAND
